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Баскетбол NBA from UScapers
Четверг, 01 Июнь 2006

NBA Free Play 1st June
1 point Phoenix/Dallas (Under 206.5) @ 1.91

01:05 GMT Phoenix @ Dallas

It's time for Game 5 of the Western Conference Finals and more importantly, it's now a best two out of three series. This contest will go a long way towards determining who will advance to the NBA Finals to take on the Eastern Conference winner. Phoenix and Dallas are tied at two games apiece out West after the Phoenix Suns rose from the ashes to score a 106-86 Game 4 win at home Tuesday night. The series now moves back to Dallas and I expect Dallas once again to go as often as they can with a half court defense which should limit Phoenix's perimeter scoring opportunities.

Defending higher up the court has allowed Dallas to stay out of foul trouble, evidenced by the fact that the Suns have visited the charity stripe just 15 times on average per game over the last three contests. This helps the total as the game clock does not stop to add cheap points onto the total.!

Supporting this play are two angles that have served us well so far these playoffs. NBA Playoff home teams are 16-7 UNDER last 23 off a SU road loss that even-upped the series at 2 games all. If the posted total is more than 180 points the system improves to 15-5 UNDER. And, in any Conference Championship game when a team is off a loss by more than 10 points and the posted total is higher than 177 the UNDER is 33-11 since 1990.

Dallas is 25-12 UNDER revenging a loss versus an opponent of 10 points or more over the last 3 seasons and 14-6 UNDER after allowing 105 points or more this season.

Автор: kappara 

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